Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin's Daughter

Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska- many of you may know her as McCain's running mate.

So it's just about 6:30 Monday evening, and I'm sitting in my Grandmother's living room, watching CNN. I was mainly hoping to see information about Hurricane Gustav. However, it was flipping back and forth between the Republican National Convention and coverage concerning the hurricane.

Joy. But ahh, whatever. I'm not going into my personal views now.

However, one of the reporters came on, and told the audience how Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter was *gasp* five months pregnant... and *double gasp* she's keeping the baby! The daughter- who's name I beleive is Crystal- plans on marrying her baby's Daddy. And, the fact that she's keeping the baby shows of her character or something.

But, I couldn't help but wonder:

What the HELL does a seventeen year old pregnant girl have to do with the presidential election? So her mother is a candidate for vice-president. I'm sure that there are thousands of 17-year-old girls out there who are pregnant, and none of their stories are being broadcasted across CNN.

What does her daughter being pregnant have to do with her ability to be vice president?

Ja ne~
<3 Nikori


Lyndsey said...

I completely agree. Palin's pregnant teenage daughter has absolutely NOTHING to do with her running in the election. That is my opinion no matter who I am voting for.

If anything, the fact that Palin IS a single mother and is going through that much with her family makes me view her as a stronger woman. I know plenty of teenage girls that have gotten pregnant at a young age, and I know how hard it is for a mother to watch her daughter have to go through such a tough time (meaning with expenses, childbirth, the hardships of being a young mother unexpectedly & out of wedlock).

Therefore, I think that, if people want to make such a huge deal about it, we can look at it from a somewhat positive perspective. And give Sarah Palin credit for being a single mom and being their for her children.

Kristenp said...

I don't think it is anyone's business. I agree it is a common situation for teens to get pregnant.Why should her daughter be bashed for it? It does not make Sarah a bad mother or candidate because her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I think the American people should realize that they can relate to her.

Pretzel001 said...

I absolutely agree that Palin's daughter being pregnant should have nothing to do with Palin runnnig. The thought of Palin stepping down from the election because of her daughter is kind of ridiculous. Say "Ms. Johnson" who is a lawyer at a local law firm has a daughter who is pregnant, would anyone encourage her to step down from her position...? Probably not. I really don't understand how people compare raising a daughter to being the vice president of the United States. They come no where close to even being the in the same category. I personally think the media and some of society are scared to have Palin in office because it is such a big change. We have never had a women as Vice President so some people think it should be kept that way and I feel like some people are just afraid of powerful women. If anything, the fact that Palin's family life is NOT picture perfect but yet she still stays strong and focused in her career as well as continuing to be a mother makes her a stronger person and should be given a little more credit.

CallMeSasha said...

Well seeing how Palin is Republican I think that it raises some concerns that her daughter is pregnant. First of all her daughter is basically being made to marry the father so that the situation looks better for the senator. So if she thinks gay should not be able to get married why should a 17 year old who got pregnant be able to get married. Also maybe this is a good reason for Palin to start having schools teach health and birth control methods to prevent these situations.

cathy said...

I totally agree!!! What does it have to do with an election. Although my personal opinion does not matter, this gossip does not need to be in a presidential election either.

Lauren said...

Although it doesn't matter now seeing who now won the election. But I totally agree plus people were judging Palin since she had a young baby if she would even be a good parent with her being vice president and having a yound child. But did anyone ever question Obama since he had two young kids?