Sunday, September 7, 2008

Of Facebook and Advertising

Referencing this article, linked to from

I don't get the "muffin top" or "diet" ads.

What I get instead is bombarded with "Free Designer Samples" and mostly some variation of the following:

"Meet Hot Christian Singles!"
"Meet Five Guys in Five minutes!"
"One of your friends has a crush on you! Find out who!"
"Take a shot at love like Tila!"

And they all have cute guys showing off their six-packs. Well, except for the Christian singles one. It was two blonde girls wearing something rather skimpy and looking at who ever took the picture like they wanted to screw them silly.

I really didn't need to see that, because I was trying to save the rain forest or stop world hunger or something with one of Facebook's many applications. And I don't swing that way.

I digress.

So apparently, because I'm single, I'm desperate to meet some guy (who probably is going to end up being really sketchy) through the computer. Don't people die that way?

And apparently, I also only date in my religion and I all go for in a guy is whether or not they are "hot". Do I really look that self-absorbed?

And coincidentally, I signed on my Facebook to do some research for this post (I am nothing if not thorough), I found every type ad except one for some dating-type thing. Maybe Facebook knows I'm about to drop the ball on their "subtle" advertising skillz, and has sought to do everything in its power to subvert me?

Or not.

Let me know what you think!

Ja ne~
<3 Nikori


Anonymous said...

I think you give them too much credit, Nikki. Just your luck their ad generating computer was on the fritz or something, I'm sure. Great article and funny post, I read them to my parents, to varying results...

Deborah said...

I agree I don't care for the ads I don't care for all the advertisments you get in the mail or in e-mail about singles and now in todays society it is scary.

cathy said...

I also do not care for the articles. Although they made me smile, feeling sorry for them, society has now been put to this to meet someone.

Britty said...

How horrible is it that they target teens and young adults who are using these sites? I hate these things, they only make women more self conscious.

just_call_me_juli said...

We need to be careful about the ads talking about "single guys waiting for you",etc.. Because that is how people get hurt, there are some really creepy people out there with computers that lurk for young, vulnerable girls to pounce on. Though I do enjoy "the muffin top" ad, they do get annoying after a while. Why do these sites think that we have to stoop so low as to go onto a dating site we found on facebook?