Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is WRONG with the world?

Referencing this article.

This jist of this article is that on Black Friday, shoppers broke down the doors of a Wal Mart and trampled seasonal employee Jdimytai Damour to death. And to top everything off, people kept shopping when they were trying to do an investigation, saying that "they've been in line since yesterday morning".

One blogger comments, "We love things more then we love people."


You would think that, with all the crap with the economy going on (is it a depression or only a recession?), people would show more... I don't know, restraint? Or something?


What do you all thing?

Ja Ne~


Pretzel001 said...

I heard about this the other day too and couldn't believe it. It's absolutely ridiculous that the world has become so materialistic. You might think I'm going to sound cheesy, but it's really true-the holidays should really be times for family and friends and being together with all your loved ones. Not how many presents you are given, or how many you give. Now that two of my brothers have moved out and I don't get to see them as much as I used to, the holidays make me think of them more than any material thing. People need to get their values and morals in check and stop being so superficial and materialistic.

Lauren said...

I was really shocked when i heard this story as well. I couldn't believe that people actually pushed and shoved their way through the doors just to get to the best sales. There is so much talk about the economy but yet people are shopping like crazy. I work at a new resturant that just came to the annapolis mall and yet some people have no problem spending over 100$ on a meal when our economy is a stake. I don't get it?

AwkwardMorning said...

I was also shocked when I heard the news. And that is why I did not go shopping on Friday.

It was basic mob mentality. When hordes of people do something others follow thinking that they will get away with it. The cameras should be able to pick out who the instigators were and they should be prosecuted. I also blame the people for not looking where they were stepping. If I saw that someone had fallen I would have diverted the crowd. And yes I know what waves of insane people look like.

Just remember that even if you are in a crowd you can be singled out and prosecuted.

Summer said...

This does not suprise me at all. The trampling of innocent people have happened time and time again. Be it malls, stores, concerts, and just recently a showing of Twilight.

Anytime you get a group of people together, and mix in some energy, tension and emotion it's never good.

It's sad that the mob mentality takes over and noone can remeber that the thing there buying just got someone hurt.

CallMeSasha said...

I heard about that too. I used to work in retail and people can be aniamals. Im not suprised that the kept shopping. thats the one thing i hate about this holiday everything is suppsed to be about peace and love but then things like this happen. And if your kid dosen't get the hottest toy he'll hate you forever. I'm trying to be less materialistic and realize that this holiday should not just be about gifts.

just_call_me_juli said...

Something is seriously wrong with the mentality of people today. Put yourself in Damour's shoes, how would you feel being trampled to death by people wanting a bargain? I guess they don't realize that it's considered murder. Obviously people aren't concerned with the way the economy is because people are still shopping, and buying the same things they did before the economy started falling.