Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Sleepwalking Defense?

Well, first things first! Let me apoligize for being so inactive recently. I have been uber busy with school and work (I actually pulled an all-nighter the other week. It wasn't pretty, even with the aid of copious amounts of caffeine) and haven't had a chance to post! Bah.

But anyway... I saw this post on, and it just pisses me off so much that I can't see straight.

Basically, it says how a man was aquitted for raping a woman because he insisted "he had been asleep and had no idea what he was doing. " Mrs. McKenna (the victim) said that this left her feeling "shocked and degraded".

Apparently, this isn't just a one-time deal- this defense has been poping up with increasing frequency. In another case, a man's defense is the fact that the woman he raped was sleepwalking and it could have been consensual.

Could have been consensual?

Personally, I think this is a load of bullshit.

This even has a name, too. The act of carrying out sexually violent acts in your sleep is called "sexsomnia." Like the author of the post, I prefer the term "rapesomnia" instead- the very word sex implies consent.

What do you all think?

Ja Ne~
<3 Nikori

1 comment:

just_call_me_juli said...

I have never in my life heard of such a stupid thing. Basically what they're saying is, it's okay to rape someone if you're just sleepwalking. Rape is rape, I don't care what they say. The victim was used as a witness, but obviously they didn't care too much about what she said. I can't believe they even created a name for it. With the rape instances rising every day, why would anybody think it is okay to rape someone, whether sleeping or not.