Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So, speaking of Twilight...

Twilight is directed by Catherine Hardwicke, and has sold enough money just in ticket *presales* to cover the cost of making the movie- $38 million dollars, in case you were curious.

To understand why this is so big, you have to check out the list of highest grossing movies of all time. Of the list of 100, not one of them is directed by a woman. Some animated movies- Shrek and Happy Feet, for instance- had women as co-directors, but not one of them has only a woman as a director.

For Twilight to break into the list, and to be the first live-action movie to be directed by a woman on the "Top 100" list, it needs to gross more then $187 million dollars.

I'm pretty sure that it will do that before the end of November.

After all, it earned over $70 million in its first weekend (making the top four spot for the highest grossing movies in November, beat only by the first, second, and fourth Harry Potter movies). In the first day, the movie grossed $35.9 million- the second largest opening day total for a movie released in November (the number one movie was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in 2005 with $40.1 million dollars), with $7 million of that just from the midnight showing on Thursday night.

What do you all think?

Ja Ne~
<3 Nikori

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hot Bods

So, I went and saw Twilight yesterday. It was amazing! SQUEE EDWARD CULLEN!!!


Now that my fangirl moment has past, let's move on. I saw this commercial thing during the previews.

Now, it seems to me as if this commercial is using men's bodies to sell products, instead of a woman's body.

Or, is it using a bit of reverse psychology? Use this cologne (I think that's what Bods is anyway), and girls with think that you look like these totally ripped men?

What do you all think?

Ja Ne~
<3 Nikori

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Sleepwalking Defense?

Well, first things first! Let me apoligize for being so inactive recently. I have been uber busy with school and work (I actually pulled an all-nighter the other week. It wasn't pretty, even with the aid of copious amounts of caffeine) and haven't had a chance to post! Bah.

But anyway... I saw this post on feministing.com, and it just pisses me off so much that I can't see straight.

Basically, it says how a man was aquitted for raping a woman because he insisted "he had been asleep and had no idea what he was doing. " Mrs. McKenna (the victim) said that this left her feeling "shocked and degraded".

Apparently, this isn't just a one-time deal- this defense has been poping up with increasing frequency. In another case, a man's defense is the fact that the woman he raped was sleepwalking and it could have been consensual.

Could have been consensual?

Personally, I think this is a load of bullshit.

This even has a name, too. The act of carrying out sexually violent acts in your sleep is called "sexsomnia." Like the author of the post, I prefer the term "rapesomnia" instead- the very word sex implies consent.

What do you all think?

Ja Ne~
<3 Nikori