Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Honey, the only reason I beat on you is 'cause you had an abortion"

Referencing this article.

A New Zeland columnist has declared that:

The number one cause of abuse against women and children is abortion.
By having an abortion, women have opened the door to violence and are basically reaping what they sow.

But that's not all. He also says:

The second major cause of violence against women and children is the belief held by too many women that they should not just be equal to men but, in all but physical appurtenances, are the same.

...The assumption by so many women of the roles traditionally exclusive to men has left many men in confusion, frustration and anxiety, and more are lashing out because they feel their maleness is under threat.

"He writes as if this is a reasonable response to womens social and political gains."


Sexist pig.

Ja Ne~

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is WRONG with the world?

Referencing this article.

This jist of this article is that on Black Friday, shoppers broke down the doors of a Wal Mart and trampled seasonal employee Jdimytai Damour to death. And to top everything off, people kept shopping when they were trying to do an investigation, saying that "they've been in line since yesterday morning".

One blogger comments, "We love things more then we love people."


You would think that, with all the crap with the economy going on (is it a depression or only a recession?), people would show more... I don't know, restraint? Or something?


What do you all thing?

Ja Ne~

Obama's National Security Team

Referencing this article, linked to from feministing.

President-Elect Obama has recently announced his National Security team. They are:

Retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones as his national security adviser, Eric Holder as attorney general, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary and Susan Rice as ambassador to the United Nations.

Oh, and did I mention that Hillary Clinton was Obama's pick as Secretary of State? He called her an "American of tremendous stature who will have my complete confidence."

I'm trying to decide if this is a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer... but I digress.

The post continues:

only does it indicate that President Elect Obama will use his "first" to create lots of others, but it is really exciting that it's happening specifically with regards to security--an issue so often masculinized in popular and political culture. As we feminists know, national and international security is about more than military might, but also includes poverty alleviation, diplomacy and negotiation, and increasing women's power through out the world.

What do you all think?

Ja Ne~